Charting new territory: The Plasmodium falciparum tRNA modification landscape
This review addresses the known functions of tRNA modifications in the biology of P. falciparum while highlighting the potential...
Welcome to Mostly Microbes and Infectious Diseases. David Ojcius posts newspaper and journal articles in the broad field of microbiology.
This review addresses the known functions of tRNA modifications in the biology of P. falciparum while highlighting the potential...
Study suggests #leprosy passed between humans & red squirrels in medieval England, supporting the theory that the fur trade could have...
Abstracts for Research and Creativity Showcase at the University of the Pacific. An annual celebration of the research, scholarship &...
Cigarette smoke changes the genomic and epigenomic imprint of cells. In this study, we investigated the biological consequences of...
The list of connections between #oralhealth & systemic health is remarkable. For starters, 3 common #dental issues (cavities, tooth loss...
The Laboratory of Leonard Rome at UCLA was established in 1979. Since 1986, the Rome laboratory has been studying a novel cellular...
Дэвид Оджиус (David M. Ojcius), Тони Дарвилл (Toni Darville), Патрик Баволи (Patrik M. Bavoil) Хламидии, внутриклеточные паразиты,...
by David Vang , Aline Cristina Abreu Moreira-Souza , Nicholas Zusman , German Moncada , Harmony Matshik Dakafay , Homer Asadi , David M....
Scientists are investigating how our biology changes as the years add up, and whether there are ways to stop it. #aging According to some...
The highly pathogenic strain of avian #influenza #H5N1 (#birdflu) has killed millions of birds & unknown numbers of mammals, particularly...
by William Zhao, Shrey Shah, Scott Davis, David Ojcius and Hung-Chi Yang. Caenorhabditis elegans is a nematode that survives naturally in...
Abstract The unceasing global spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome #coronavirus 2 (#SARSCoV2) calls for the development of novel...
Interdisciplinary seminars presented by faculty and staff at the University of the Pacific. Seminars are hosted by the Office of Research...
Xiaoyuan Han, an assistant professor in the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry at University of the Pacific, has received a prestigious...
by Namrata Nayyar, David M. Ojcius, Arthur A. Dugoni. #oralhealth #dental #medicine #technology This commentary describes the changes...
by David Vang, Aline Cristina de Abreu Moreira-Souza, Nicholas Zusman, German Moncada, Harmony Matshik dakafay, Homayon Asadi, David M....
Study found that intermittent, short-term omission of only the essential amino acid isoleucine from the diet significantly increases...
Highlights • • • Summary The beneficial effects of physical exercise on human cardiorespiratory fitness might be through reduced systemic...
"What's my Research?", organized by David Ojcius. Interdisciplinary presentation at University of the Pacific by chemistry professor...
Increasing incidence of fungal infections of recent times requires immediate intervention. Fungal infections are seldom construed at...