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David Ojcius -- on Lifelong Learning as a Researcher

Updated: Feb 3, 2022

Interview at Thrive Global

What do you love most about the industry you are in?

The industry I’m in is actually two in one: teaching and research. I love teaching and interacting with students. In many ways I learn as I teach them. I love their enthusiasm and their optimism. The thing about research is you are a student for life. You constantly have to learn new skills. It requires you to be a lifelong learner, which is something I enjoy.

What keeps you motivated?

In teaching, there is immediate gratification in knowing that students are learning. Especially teaching in a professional school where students are motivated in a different way. Before, I had never worked in such a setting when I was working in an academic environment with undergraduates. But in a professional school, students know what they want by the time they go to medical school . Seeing their attentive behavior and how eager they are to learn what will be their future trade, it keeps all teachers motivated.

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